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Business Change Management

The success of any project depends heavily on the stakeholders involved. Do they know why you’re making this change? Are they onboard with it? Are they going to be ready for it? Or are they likely to resist moving to the new world? Business Change Management addresses the people and behaviour aspects of any project and can make the difference between just “delivering” your project versus making it a real success that has longevity, buy in and enthusiasm from your stakeholders. Delivering change well is better for your business, less disruptive to operational work, and demonstrates you value your employees.

Whatever your project, Symatrix’ Business Change Management practice can help you plan and deliver your change well. We have wealth of experience in all aspects of Business Change Management including:

  • Change Strategy planning
  • Definition of people aspects of your Future State
  • Change Impact Assessment
  • Stakeholder analysis and management
  • Communications and Engagement planning and delivery
  • Training and Learning planning and delivery
  • Planning for and managing Resistance
  • Business Readiness planning and assessment
  • Helping you establish measures that help to sustain the change
  • Measuring the success of your change

Depending on your existing resources and capabilities, we can provide comprehensive Business Change services as a member of your project team, or just support with some activities. Or you may prefer us to adopt a coaching role to your project team so that you can learn and use the tools yourself.

Get in touch

Want to find out more? Get in touch and discover what Symatrix could do for your business. We’d love to chat.

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