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Celebrating one year of our Graduate Programme

When we set out to run our first major graduate programme in 2021, we had no idea whether it would be a real success. A lot of planning and hard work went into early recruitment and we certainly put the candidates through their paces. We had some fabulous candidates and the team were really focussed on making it a fun and effective process.


Roll forward a year and I’m so impressed with not only the efforts of the graduates, but also the feedback we got on the process. Graduates felt welcomed during the recruitment campaign and assessment day, they felt it was fun and they felt they got a chance to hear from us and put us through our paces too. Efforts from my team to make this a success, were incredible! This is so important when stepping into your first role in a new career, or in fact when taking on any new job. For me, it’s a two-way thing, not a one-way interview to assess skills and behaviours. Candidates want to be able to assess fit, culture, alignment with their own values. A huge thank you to my management team for all your hard work.


We now have two incredible graduates a year into their careers and what a year it has been. Maqdus Iqbal and Summer Xanthaki have worked hard, presented to our teams, learned hands on Oracle configuration and consulting skills, carried out roles as testers and learned about process improvement and change management techniques. We now have two fantastic consultants at the early stage of what I know will be incredibly successful consulting careers. Importantly they both also bring a different perspective, being from a different generation to many of the Symatrix teams, and from different diverse backgrounds, helping to bring fresh perspectives and ways of thinking. Keep challenging us Summer and Maqdus, we appreciate having you as part of the Symatrix family.

About the author

Mandy Chapman

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