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Harvey Bever, Graduate Oracle Consultant

My Background

There are many paths that lead to a career in Human Resource (HR), Payroll and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This is demonstrated by the vast amount of backgrounds that consultants within in the industry come from, I will first share mine. I studied Sports Science at university and then went on to complete a Master’s in international management, as I realised the world of sport wasn’t where I saw myself going. My Master’s, along with experience working on a data engineering project, influenced my decision to look for opportunities in the world of tech. I was aware that the industry is growing at an exponential rate, whilst also enabling me to eventually work within the realm of project management.

How I got here

Like many in the industry, I fell into it. I found the graduate role quite by chance and I can say, I’m glad I did. Upon finishing my Master’s, I headed up to Manchester for an assessment day, not knowing what to expect, what the role entailed, and not fully understanding what Symatrix did, but I was open minded and realised that is all you had to be. Upon receiving the news that I was successful; I was back on the M6 on my way to Manchester for my induction month. This month consisted of a lot of new faces, a lot of information and an eye-opening experience into how much happens behind the scenes of large organisations. Despite being intense, it is a necessary part of becoming a competent Consultant as it gives you an insight into what each department within the company does and how it impacts you.

What I do

Our introduction highlighted our strengths, weaknesses and general interests with regards to Oracle Cloud. As a result, we were split into three areas: ERP, HR, and Payroll. I am a Graduate ERP Consultant. The area I work in is broad, comprising of supply chain management, Procurement cloud, and all the subcategories of these areas. When I was first exposed to it, the number of areas seemed daunting and in some ways it still does. These feelings are however put to rest because of the unwavering support from the Symatrix team. As far as companies go, the investment from Symatrix into my “Oracle education” has been second to none, which has only boosted my confidence within the area and reassured me that I will be an effective Consultant.  

A final word

Even though I wasn’t actively seeking a role in the HR & ERP industry, having spent time with Symatrix, makes me glad I applied for it. The culture ensures that employees can thrive and that they develop characteristically as well as professionally over the course of their career. My advice to any graduate in the abyss that is the post-university job hunt is to not underestimate yourself and tackle every opportunity with an open mind.

About the author

Vickey Wallis

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